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Help us BOYCOTT the Barbaric IRI regime's event in Toronto.ملایان و فعالیتهای مزورانه آنان را در کانادا افشا کنیم

URGENT Attention!!!SHARE WIDELY and Help us BOYCOTT the Barbaric IRI regime's event in Toronto. Thanks!

by Shabnam Assadollahi on Friday, September 17, 2010 at 8:06am

I just received the following. Please help boycotting this event.

The information has been sent to RCMP CANADA.



Islamic Regime Cinema in Richmond Hill (Toronto) - Canada The cultural attaché of the Islamic Regime in Iran, through charity foundations, Iranian-Islamic media friendly, and under pretext of “Iranian cinema”, has been lobbying for and promoting the Islamic regime agenda abroad, particularly in Canada. For years the Islamic Regime’s agents in Canada have tried to mask the brutality and inhumanity of the Islamic Regime by organizing “cultural” events such as film festivals, poetry nights, and other cultural festivals such as the “Iranian Fire Festival” and “Nowrouz” (Persian New Year) - all in an attempt to hide the real nature of the Islamic Regime.


“Canada’s 2nd Iranian Film Festival” (September 20-25, 2010) is such an event, which is being organized by Persia Film, and supported by “National Youth Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran” headed by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the “Holocaust denier” and president of Islamic Regime and “The Office of “Supreme Leader” Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei”. The fact that the organizers of this festival are closely related to the “National Youth Organization of the Islamic Republic” and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and “The Office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei” are funding such an event is nothing short of hypocrisy.


While restricting and censoring artists inside the country, the Islamic Regime is using these types of cultural events as propaganda and trying to convince the International Community that it respects freedom of expression and the rights of Iranian Artists.This is also an attempt by the Islamic Regime and its Agents to take the attention away from 31 years of arbitrary imprisonment, torture, rape and execution of thousands of political prisoners. As Canadians who are concerned with freedom of speech and expression and the right to life and liberty we must stand up against events funded by dictatorship governments such as the Islamic Regime which are busy oppression, torturing, raping and executing innocent people at home, while trying to pose as a democratic state abroad.We ask all concerned citizens to contact Mr. Michael Grit the theatre manager for Richmond Hill Centre for performing arts and voice your concerns.Artists in Exile – Canadian ChapterSeptember2010


 Contact information for:Mr. Michael GritTheatre Manager, theatre@richmondhill.ca, Tel: 905-787-8471, Ext: 22210268 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3B7Administration Phone: (905) 787-8471 Administration Fax: (905) 787-9757



لابی های رژیم ملایی با بر پایی فستیوال فیلم و شب شعر و اقدامات هنری سعی در پوشاندن چهره جنایتکار حکومت ملایان دارند .نمونه اش در بر پایی فستیوال فیلم در تورنتو کانادا است لطفا این رژیم آدم کش و ضد حقوق بشر و ضد دمکراسی را افشا کنید و بجهانیان نشان دهید که عده ای تروریست ضد بشریت در ایران حکومت میکنند و نوکر سرمایه داران جهان خوار هستند


سی سال پس از مذاکرات مخفیانه با سولیوان!

سرمایه داران جهان خوار

Posted on Friday, September 17, 2010 at 04:28PM by Registered Commenterافشا | CommentsPost a Comment

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