ساکنان سرزمين ايران چه مردمانی هستند (کيانند)؟
مردم يارسان و گورانها
خانمها و آقايان محترم، قست نخست تيتر فوق پانل نشست جنبی سازمان حقوق بشر کردستان ايران است که در 17 همين اجلاس سازمان ملل در ژنو برگذار می شود. يک بخش از آن
متعلق به آئين اقليت يارسان است که بنده با اجازه شما در اين فرصت بسيار
کوتاه خلاصه ای اطلاعات، برای آشنائی با مردمان کرد گوران که حدودا دو و
نيم ميليون از آنها در ايران آئين يارسانی دارند، به دست می دهم.
ايران نه اينکه فقط يک کشور کثير ملله است و ملتهای فارس، آذري، کرد، بلوچ، ترکمن و عرب در آن زندگی می کنند، بلکه يک کشور کثيرالمذهب
يا کثيرالآئين است. يعنی درکنار اسلام که 1400 سال است بخلقهای
ايران تحميل شده و به زور آنهارا مسلمان کرده اند، آئينهای زرتشتي،
مسيحي، يهودي، يارساني، بهائی ودراويش معتقد به تناسخ، زندگی می کنند.
در اسلام بنا به آيات قرآن مجيد آئينهای زرتشتي، مسيحی و يهودي، نام
برده شده اند وبه عنوان آئينهای غيراسلامی بايستی شناخته شوند و همانند
ديگر شهروندان دارای حقوق مساوی باشند که نيستند. آنها بنا به اخبار
سازمانهای ناظر حقوق انساني، روزانه تحت فشار قرار دارند! در اينجا
توضيح بيشتر درباره نقض فاحش حقوق اوليه آنهارا می گذاريم برای
متخصصين اين آئينهای ذکر شده.
چيزی که دراينجا مورد بحث ما است آئينهای به رسميت شناخته نشده در ايران اسلامی است. مانند بهائيان که خانم علائی درباره آن صحبت خواهند فرمود و
دروايش گنابادی که در اينجا سخنگوئی نداريم که درباره سرکوب آنها توضيح
دهند. نهايتا مردم يارسان که بنده کوشش خواهم کرد واقع بينانه مسايلی به عرض
حضار برسانم. متأسفانه تا عصر حاضر در باره آئين ياری کمترين اخبار و اطلاعاتی
در دسترس مردم جهان قرار داده اند. در اينجا می کوشيم نخست تاريخچه کوتاهی
از اين مردمان ارائه دهيم و بعد اشاره ای به نقض فاحش حقوق آنها در زير
سايه جمهوری اسلامی بنمائيم.
همانگونه که بارها در اين باره گفته شده و امروز نيز به آن اشاره شد، يک بخش از ملت کرد حدود 11 ميليونی در ايران، حدود دو و نيم ميليون
از آنها يارسانی هستند و بخش بزرگی از قبايل گوران اند. در واقع آن گونه که
در شرفنامه امير شرف خان بدليسی آمده است، ملت کرد بطور کلی از چهار
بخش عمده، کرمانج، گوران، کلهر و لر تشکيل شده است که گورانها و لرها
همراه با ديلميان شمال ايران بيش از چهار صد سال در برابر حمله اعراب به
امپراتوری ايران و قبول آئين جديد، مقاومت کردند. عاقبت بخشی از اين مردم
به اجبار و به خاطر نپرداختن ماليات سرانه، اسلام را پذيرفتند و بخش ديگری
از آنها (بخشی از گورانها)که در کوهستانها می زيستند، درمقطعی زمانی
ازضعف اسلام و رفتن اعراب از ايران استفاده کردند و آئين ياری را که پيرو
فلسفه تناسخ روح بودائيسم است، نوشتاری بنيانگذاری نمودند. لايق ذکر
است بنا به کتب مقدس ياری اين آئين از روز ازل و بنيانگذاری جهان بطور
شفاهی وجود داشته است.
يارسانيان در طول تاريخ کم و بيش، مانند همه ديگر مردمان سر زمين ايران، تحت فشار ديکتاتوران قرار داشته اند. منتها به اين قشر ازجامعه چون اقليت
آئينی نيز بوده اند ازطرف اسلام که دين حاکم بوده، تحت ظلم مضاعف قرار
گرفته اند. چرا امروزه به آنها بسته می شود که بخشی ازشيعه اسلام هستند،
چون بخش بزرگی ازرهبران اين آئين، نا آگاهانه و به خاطر مصونيت از خطر
نابودي، خودرا زير پرچم امامان شيعه پنهان کرده بودند و بمرور زمان جا
افتاده است که اينها بخشی ازشيعه دوازده امامی هستند. تاجائيکه اين مسئله
به يک عادت تبديل شده و ازميان بردن اين عادت به دشواری برداشته می شود.
با تأسف بايد گفت، امروزه در حاکميت آئين شيعه اسلام اين عادت مزمن اجبارا
تقويت می شود. در صورتی که بنا به کتب مقدس آئين و فلسفه ياري، هيچ ارتباطی
با اسلام ندارد. بهمين دليل امروزه تحت سخت ترين شرايط در ايران جمهوری اسلامی
بسر می برند، و هنوز زندگی دوگانه در ميان پيروان آئين ياری از بين برداشته نشده.
يعنی در بيرون از خانه خود را مسلمان قلمداد کردن و در منزل و پنهانی به آئين
خود پايبند بودن.
اگر سران جمهوری اسلامی امروزه به وحشت افتاده اند و تا حد امکان يارسانيان را از راه دادن به دانشگاهها و مؤسسات آموزشی و استخدام دولتی محروم می کنند،
به دليل آن است که اکثرجوانان يارسانی نمی خواهند دروغ بگويند و ظاهرسازی کنند
و به آن زندگی دوگانه ادامه دهند.
جوانان يارسانی می خواهند، همانند ديگر انسان های دارای حق و حقوق انسانی با آنان و آئين شان رفتار شود. آنان نمی خواهند همانند پدران خود فرزندانشان
را از ترس دروغگو بار بياورند. می خواهند بدون ترس پای بندی به آئين خودنشان
دهند و مجاز باشند عبادت آئينی خود را، بدون حضور مأموران رژيم، انجام دهند.
متأسفانه اين نکات بسيار عادی در سايه رژيم جمهوری اسلامی ايران، مطلقا
غير ممکن است. با صراحت بايد گفت: در هيچ دوره ای از تاريخ به اندازه
اين 32 سال جوانان يارسانی مجبور به ترک ديار خود نشده اند. نا گفته پيدا
است که سازمان ملل در ماه ژانويه امسال در يک نشست تصويب نمود که گزارشگر
ويژه ای برای ايران انتخاب نمايد آنطور که روزنامه ها نيز آنده است و بحث آن در
اجلاس سازمان ملل بود، در جلسه 17 ژوئن شوراى حقوق بشر ملل متحد، وزير
خارجه سابق مالديو، احمد شهيد، 47 ساله و فعال حقوق بشر فعلی اين کشور
را به عنوان گزارشگر ويژه حقوق بشر ايران انتخاب کرد. وى دارای شش فرزند
ازسه همسردر زمانهای متفاوت خود هستند. آنگونه روزنامه های اينترنتی نگاشته اند،
او در سال 2009 از سوى يک انديشکده درآمريکا، جايزه مسلمان دموکرات سال را
کسب کرد. اين انديشکده، "مرکز مطالعات اسلام و دموکراسى" در واشنگتن اين
را بخاطر تلاش هاى احمد شهيد در گشودن پنجره اى به سوى خرد، دموکراسي، حقوق
بشر و روادارى در مالديو و آسياى جنوبى به وى اعطا کرد. ژنو، سويس 17همين
اجلاس حقوق بشر سازمان ملل متحد در 17 ژوئن 2011
دکتر گلمراد مرادی g-moradi@t-online.de ”Who are the People of Iran?“ 17th Session of the human rights in Geneva June 6th 2011 Ladies and Gentlemen, This parallel Session of the Association of Human Rights in Kurdistan of Iran, in Geneva,
entitled ”who are the people of Iran?“ which
has been disposed in 17th Session of the UN,
gives me an opportunity to bring (to present to you),
some short information about the Yarsani�s
minority religion in Islamic republic of Iran
to your attention. Unfortunately the news
and Information�s about Yarsan Community
is very rare, because the Yarsan does not
have much opportunity to public their
religion and do not wants to propagate
for new members converting into their religion.
As a matter of fact, Iran is not only a Country with several nationalities, like Persian Azeri,
Kurds, Blotch, Turkmen and Arabs, but it is
also a Country with several religions.
That means beside the Islam, there are
Zoroastrian, Christianity, Judaism,
Yarsani, Baha�ism and others.
According to the holy book of Koran of Islam, the Zoroastrian, Christianity and Judaism
are as official religious Communities recognized
and they should be allowed to practice their
faith and not have fear to be blamed as Spy
of foreigners. They should be allowed to
keep their religious traditions to be allowed
to do freely the prayers and so on. But the
realities show other things. The followers
of these religions must obey the Islamic
law in every place. Anyhow we do not want
to go in detail and leave the explanation of
minority�s rights violation to the above
named religions experts.
One thing we have to talk about is the religions, which is not recognized in holy Koran, like
Yarsani and Baha�i. About the Baha�I, Mrs.
Alaie is here and she takes the obligation
and speaks in details about the human rights
violation to followers of this faith.
I as Yarsani member want to bring to your attention a short historical summery of life
of the worshiper of the Truth (Yarsani Believers).
Then I will go through the life of the followers
of this faith today under the rule of Islam in Iran.
Unfortunately the Yarsani faith is not correct
known in Europe
Therefore we do not have any supporters in the free and democratic World.
As it has been mentioned several times, there are more than 11 Million Kurdish population in Iran
and about 2, 5 Million of this Kurds are Yarsani.
They are a Part of Kurdish Guaran� (Gorani) who has been mentioned in the history book of Sharafnameh
of Amir Sharafkhan Betlisi, who named the 4 Part of
Kurdish Clan, Kermanj, Goran, Kalhor and Lor. It is
well known in the history that the Kurds, Lors and
Dailamite had risesting the Arab invasion to Iranian
Emperor and their propagation for the new religions
more than 400 years. They did not want to leave their
old Believe and converting in the new religions. Finally
some of these people because of not paying the head
taxes converted in Islam and those who could not
be reached and lived in Mountains, they neither
paid the head taxes nor converted in the new
faith of Islam. These persons have founded
the Yarsani faith during the weak-ness of
Islamic religion in Iran (Seldjuken �ra).
The philosophy of Yarsan goes back to the Buddhism of re-incarnation Believes. The
followers of Yarsani under the Islamic rulers
had suffered at the length of history. The
suppressing and the rights violation of Yarsani
in the new �ra is also much worse than before.
One because the majority of them are Kurds,
second, because they are belongs to non-recognized
Community. That means double suppressing.
Why the public still believe that Yarsan faith is a Part of Islamic Shiite?! There is some reason,
which I would like to point out here in this
Session. First of all there are a part of traditionally
religious leader, who does not have enough
knowledge about their own faith and certainly
want to save themselves and the members from
the danger of being suppressed and executed.
For these reasons, they practice double life (in public says; we are belong to Islamic
faith and at home in secret, they keep their
own tradition and prayer). This way of life
has been a habit among the followers and
it is not easy to change that.
Second according to holly book of Yarsan, there is absolutely no relation between Islamic
and Yarsani faith, because the Islam believes
on the Beginning of creation and eternal
days and the Judgment of the God to
Paradise or Hell. That means the linear
way of life, but the Yarsani faith believes
on re-incarnation and the circle way of life.
The reason why and how, 2, 5 Million Yarsani
are able to continue to live in Iran under the
Islamic regime, is the double life of most Yarsani
. Otherwise there is no chance for them to be in secure.
If today the Islamic republic tries with all power to control the Yarsanis in prayer, not to employee
them in government Jobs and do not let them to
be educated at the learning Institutions, because
the Young Yarsani do not want follow the Parents
and continue to double life. They do not want
to lie in society.
The Yarsani Young people wants to live as free human being and have the humen rights as
Yarsani not having fear always to say, that
they are belong to this faith. They want to
be recognized as Yarsani and be allowed to
practice their believe without the control of
regime Agents. Today in Iran such a life for
not Islamic Shia is almost impossible.
Geneva June 6th 2011 Dr. Golmorad Moradi g-moradi@t-online.de Parallel Session: ”Who are the People of Iran?“ Monday, May 25th, 2011 Association of Human Rights in Kurdistan of Iran-Geneva (KMMK-G)
International Educational Development Inc. (IED) Association of Humanitarian Lawyers (AHL) Cordially invite you to a seminar ”Who are the People of Iran?“ on Monday, June 6th, 2011 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. at Palais de Nations, Geneva: Room XXVII Hosted by Dr. Karen Parker, IED Delegate to the United Nations, USA Mr. Taimoor ALIASSI, KMMK-G Permanent Representative to UN-Geneva
Featuring Mr. Abdulla MOHTADI, Kurdistan of Iran Mr. Yasin GHOBISHI , Ahwaz Human Rights Organization Mr. Nasser BOLADAI, The Balochistan People�s Party Dr. Sedigheh ADALATI, Federal Democratic Movement of Azerbaijan Mr. Taimoor ALIASSI, Association of Human Rights of Kurdistan of Iran (KMMK-G)
Dr. Khosrew ABDULLAHI, Kurdistan of Iran Dr. Golmorad MORADI, Yarasan Community, Mrs. Diane ALA�I, BAH��� INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY, United Nations Office, Geneva
Iran is home to several different ethnic and religious minorities, but Iranian law restricts participation of ethno-religious
minorities in the political decision-making process.
Articles 12 and 115 of the new constitution
of 1979 deprive the minority ethnic population
from attaining high political positions or practicing
their cultural and human rights freely.
Iran is a country composed of different.. Today, unelected institutions and bodies, such as the Supreme leader, the military, Expediency
Council and the Guardian council have unlimited
political power In Iran. This is an obvious violation
of the rights of the people of this multicultural
and multiethnic country to be part of a democratic system.
Our panellists from Iranian Kurds, Baloch, Arab, Azeri, Turcoman ethnic minorities and other religious
minorities will shed light on discrimination faced
by these groups, and will underline the importance
of minority participation in public life to ensure
equal political opportunities for all people of Iran
and peaceful cohabitation across Iran.
For more information: please call Taimoor Aliassi 079 694 28 08 or taimoor.aliassi@gmail.com.
Light lunch will be served. Taimoor Aliassi , Repr�sentant permanent du KMMK-G � l'ONU www.kmmk-ge.org, info@kmmk-ge.org, 50 rue de Montchoisy 1207 Gen�ve Hawr�yan� Ber�z Silaw, Biferm�n le gel E-mail� hawp�ch kiraw ke br�tiya le witar�k� min ke le Govar� Hawlat� : "P�kh�nan� Dewlet� Bashur� Kurdistan" le jimare 734 bilaw b�wetewe! Her nezer u b�ch�n�ktan lew p�wendiye da be x�r b�t. Dyre emesh l�nk� babetekeye: ( Le gel r�z u silaw, Taimoor حقوق اقليتهای آئينی و بويژه يارسانيان (اهل حقان) در سه ماه گذشته در جلسه جنبی حقوق بشر سازمان ملل روز 9 ژوئن 2011 خانمها و آقايان محترم، پی گيران و مدافعان حقوق انسانی و اقليتهای آئيني، همان گونه که ملاحظه می فرمائيد و در رسانه های عمومی جهان می توان خواند، جمهوری اسلامی با ديدن تحولات عظيم در جهان عرب، بوحشت افتاده و
نگران آينده خويش است. اين رژيم افشاگری شما عزيزان درباره نقض
ابتدائی ترين، نه فقط حقوق آئينی اقليت ها، بلکه حقوق ملی و انسانی
درايران را بسيار جدی گرفته اند. بهمين دليل در شانزدهمين کنفرانس
حقوق بشر سازمان ملل يک بسيج کلی کرده بود و در شناسائی مدافعان
حقوق انسانی که مخالفان واقعی جمهوری اسلامی هستند، با شرکت در
صف مبارزان و اعتراضيون به نقض اين حقوق و گرفتن عکس از آنها
و غيره می کوشيدند.
مدافعان حقوق انسانی و آزادی های فردی و جمعي، اين رژيم می خواست و هنوز هم می خواهد، افشاگری بر حق شما را خنثا نمايد و در اذهان عمومی خودرا مدافع حقوق انسانی نشان دهد. شما اگر
فرصت کنيد و سری به جهان اينترنت و پالتاک بزنيد، ملاحظه خواهيد کرد
که مأموران اين رژيم در اکثر اطاقهای پالتاکی که تعداد شنونده نيز زياد
دارد، درهمه بحثها برای دفاع از رژيم، درکليه زمينه ها حضور دارند.
در يکی از اين اطاقها از يک هوادار رژيم و آشنا به قوانين اسلامی
پرسيده شد، چرا رژيم با تمام قوا می کوشد در محل عبادت يا
زيارتگاههاي، مثلا يارسانيان يک مسجد ومحل نماز ايجاد کند و
اگر دربعضی شهرهاو دهات، قادر به اين کار نباشد، حتما يک مأمور
به عبادت گاه يا زيارت گاه آن شهريا دهستان می فرستد؟ اين آقای "مطلع" با
کمال وقاحت و بی پروائی پاسخ می دهد، معلوم است برای کنترل که آن افراد
در کنار عبادت، چه می گويند و چه توطعه ای عليه رژيم بکار می گيرند؟
در ادامه گفت: اگر شما در قدرت باشيد چنين کاری نمی کنيد؟! اين بود
پاسخ اين مأمور پرروی جمهوری اسلامی که بدون رعايت هيچ پرنسيپی
چنين جملاتی را ازدهان رها می کرد. اگرچه اين نمی تواند نظر رسمی دولت
باشد، اما رژيم درمقابل چنين اظهاراتی سکو می کند و غير مستقيم مهر تأييد
بر آن می زند.
بنابه گزارشهائی که به انجمن فرهنگی جامعه يارسان دراروپا و به جنبش دمکراتيک يارسان، يکی ازمدافعان حقوق سياسی يارسانيان، رسيده است،
رژيم دستور اکيد به مأموران خود داده است، هرفردی را که شک می برند،
از يارسان حرف می زند، شديدا تحت کنترل قرار دهند. اگر چنين فرد يارساني،
به نظر اين آقايان مشکوک بيايد، بهيچ وجه امکان استخدام شدن درادارات
دولتی رانخواهد داشت. بهمين دليل هرجوان شاغل يارسانی که به نحوی
ازلای تيغ سانسور و کنترل رد شده و به کار دولتی مشغول است، ازترس
اينکه شغل خود را ازدست ندهند، جرأت اظهار نظری را نداشته و کاملا سکوت
کرده و می کند. لذا، اخبار چشم گيری که دال برسرکوب و دستگيری يارسانيان
باشد، در دو ونيم يا سه ماه گدشته، به دست ما نرسيده است. اين بدان معنا نيست
که رژيم از سرکوب يارسانيان کوتاه آمده است، نه، بهيچ وجه اين طور نيست،
بلکه اين رژيم برای سر پا نگهداشتن حکومت از بنياد لرزان و قرون وسطائی
خود تنها يک متد را می شناسد و آن متد سرکوب خشن و اعدام است و يا به
زور سر نيزه و احتياج اقتصادي، عادت دادن پيروان دگر آئينها به اسلام است!
پس بدون ترديد يارسانيان همانند بهائيان، ديگر آئينهای در قرآن برسميت
شناخته نشده و بی دينان، تحت پيگرد دائم هستند. ماهر روز ازگزارشات زير
فشار قراردادن وتعقيب بهائيان که فعالان بيشتری دارند، باخبر می شويم. پس
مأموران اين رژيم، بويژه در کردستان، که به دليل نا آرامی های ملی و چون اکثر
يارسانيان، کرد يا آذری هستند، پيروان آئين ياری را تحت کنترل شديد دارند. در
هر حال، آن کسانی که اجبارا بيکار اند و يا شغل آزاد دارند، می کوشند با
استفاده از ابتکاراتی که بوجود می آورند، خارج از احزاب کردی و سازمانهای
غيرحزب الهي، زيرا آنها نيز در ايران ممنوع هستند، خواستهای آئينی خود را
مطرح نمايند و ابتدائی ترين آن هارا در چارچوب قوانين موجود، به اذهان
عمومی ايران برسانند. از آنجا که پيروان ياری کوچکترين بهانه ای را به
دست رژيم نمی دهند، لذا اين رژيم می کوشد، آنچه که به مردم يارسان مربوط
است، سرکوب را همانند نيروهای سياسی علنا انجام ندهد، بلکه در اين مورد
خاص بسيار مخفيانه عمل می کند. آن گونه که دراين باره گفته شده، برای نمونه
جلوگيری از اجرای مراسم ياد بودها، کنترل شديد عبادتگاههای غير اسلامی و يارساني،
جلو گيری از تجمع يارسانيان و تهديد بستگان سر کوب شدگان و وادار کردن آنان
به سکوت که خبری به بيرون درز نکند. علاوه بر اينها تمام زيارتگاهها و
آرامگاههای رهبران يارسانی به کنترل اوقاف در آورده شده که مأموران رژيم
قانونا مجاز باشند، در اين اماکن بطور دائم مستقر گردند و يا دست بازی در
تخريب اين اماکن تاريخي، زير عنوان باز سازی و وسعت بخشيدن به
آسايشگاههای آن، داشته باشند. جالب تر از همه اين است که به بهانه
حضور مأموران غير محلي، دولت می کوشد، تا آن جا که مقدور می داند،
آنطور که در مثال و پرسش پال تاک آورده شد، اقدام به ساختن مساجد در
اين اماکن بنمايد و هر مقاومتی را با تطميع برخی افراد خودی درهم شکند.
رژيم می کوشد غير مستقيم پيروان نا آگاه آئين ياری را از اين مکانها دور
نگه دارد. برای نمونه اگر فرزندان اين پيروان بيکار باشند و علاقه ای به
رفتن به اين مکانها را نشان ندهند، آنهارا بکاری مشغول کنند و يا در
دانشگاهها راه دهند و اگر اين فرزندان بعد از فارغ التحصيلی هنوز به
مرام پدری پايبند مانده باشند، آنها را در هيچ اداره و مؤسسه ای استخدام
نکنند. ما در گزارش چند ماه پيش در اين زمينه مثالهای چندی آورديم.
ژنو سويس 17 ژوئن 2011 دکتر گلمراد مرادی g-moradi@t-online.de 17th Session of the human rights in UN-Geneva June 9th 2011 S�dwind Ladies and Gentlemen, Defender of human rights of Religious Minorities, Before I start with my report, I would like have you to pay attention to some term, I am going to use:
1. Yarsan: is a group of people that mostly live in west of Iran they are Kurdish, believer in re-incarnation.
Also we use Yarsan as a religion.
2. Yarsani or Yarsanian is a person that belongs to Yarsan community or has the Yarsan religion.
As you aware of recent changes in Arab World, particularly with the way of reflecting all these
in the media, brought fear and phobia into the
Islamic Republic of Iran. This regime thinks with
terror and pressures on the people are able to
continue the ruling and governing the country,
as they did in the last 32 years.
The Iranian regime, tries to cover all what you as Defender of Human Rights and the
rights of Religious Minorities revealed about
the crime to majority of publication, including
all the action against political, ethnical and
religious oppositions. This publication and
the opposition is become quite dangerous
with high risk to Islamic Republic of Iran.
Therefore they mobilized themselves with all their power to fencing their Politics to
show the world that the Islamic Republic
of Iran is Human Rights supporter. For
proofing it, they sent several (unqualified) agents
who used to carry out the orders and obey the regime.
As matter of fact, we have been informed (realize) from some of their own representatives all the agents who
presented this regime in Geneva in the 16th conference
of the UN, receive each $200.00 per day travel expanses
plus having luxury hotels and some extra tips for their
family. In mentioned special date, the regime started
a game with their own people and somehow to the
world. They let out these agents on the street to join
those on the front line along with demonstrators on
the street with let them crying against the regime.
With this, the regime takes picture of people who
are protesting for human rights and injustice in Iran.
By doing this action, their spies are among the
demonstrators to collect information for proofing
someone to bring him/her to dead or put them in
jail and in some cases someone will be scarified in
other word will be killed by unknown accident on the street.
Awkward thing (Hess lichen dinge) is some of their ”Muslim“ speaker are not religious, but they
advocacy (defend) Islamic Republic, because of receiving
benefits from them.
No wonder, if the Islamic regime in Iran tries hard to monitor the political oppositions and the followers.
The evidence of fact for these is arresting the lawyers
of some religious leaders plus deprivation of their job
for several years.
Human Rights Supporters, defenders of freedom for ethnic, individual and collective,
This regime did wanted and still willing to neutralize your entire announcement and cover your messages
instead to deliver them to Iranian. If you take a moment
participating one of the social networking group like
Pal talk that have massive audiences, you will see the
regime agents there. They participate in discussion
advocating the regime in all the ways. In such pal talk
room someone asked one of this regime�s fan who
was well known with Islamic religion, why you build
mosque in Yarsan�s holly places instead their own
worship room, Jamkhaneh? If they are not able to
build up mosque in every single Yarsani�s town
and area, they send a pursuivant to the Yarsan�s
worship places? The informed person impolitely
said: “This is clear to me for controlling and
monitoring the people what they are saying while
they are praying. They might have conspiracy to
the government.“ He added rudely if you were in
power didn�t you do that? I assure you, you did
the same thing! That was the answer of the regime�s
agent, easily talked without observing any Principe.
According to the recent report from Iran to Cultural Association of Yarsan in Aboard and Democratic
Movement of Yarsan offices, if in Iran someone
talked to a Yarsani person, who is the members
of Yarsan religion, must be monitored and controlled.
If a Yarsani person want apply for a job, directly will
be questioning if he is a Muslim then maybe will be
accepted, depend on how much he/she do the Muslim�s
pray (Namaz). That is why if a Yarsani person in case
is hired by a governmental offices, first he/she had to
lie to his/her-self, second any time they find out he was
not Muslim at the start, he will be fired right away. If we
do not receive from Yarsan Community from Iran, does
not mean, everything is going well. It is other way
around, it means the suppress and crack downing
is so hard that can�t come out any news. The
method of repress the people like Baha�i is
applied even harder to Yarsan community in
Iran since we do not have any representative in UN.
The reason should be clear to everyone, In Quran we
are not accepted that is why we don�t allow talk
about our religious and us as Yarsani believer.
Therefore the Yarsani, who defend their own, believes and do not want to lie, has no chance
to be employed. If one or more Yarsani passed
all dangerous ways and become a person with
having a governmental Job, certainly he/she
will be quite and says nothing about the happening,
because they do not want to lose their Job. This is
one side of the Problem, the other side is the suppressing
the families of the political and religious victims, and
force them not saying anything about the matters
and do not organized the public mourning for the
relative who has been killed. For these reason we
have not received in last 3 Months any information
about the religious victims. So we can realize, that
it does not mean that the Islamic regime tolerate to
the oppositions or religious minorities, it is absolutely
not. This regime based their rule on force and threat.
They do not know other way of ruling, they only know
how to suppress, to arrest, tortures, execute and to kill
the opposition. There is no doubt that the Yarsani
people would be suppressed as Baha�is.
We hear every day from the arresting and suppressing the Baha�is all over in the country but maybe not
hear much about Yarsani blievers. There are
differentiations in term of reflecting the news
between the Baha�is and Yarsani and other things.
The Baha�is mostly lives in the big cities and they
have more educated missionaries. But the Yarsanis
are poor in this area living in the villages and
impoverished areas. One another differentiation
is that the Baha�is originally was a part of Schism
and in 19th century they separate their way. But
the Yarsan is originally Kurdish religion and they
are the people, who have resisted against Islam
more than 400 years. People for having negative
opinion (energy) to Islam or as symbol of resisting
against Islam, they created their own believes written
their orison (prayer) on the paper. This religion, as
mentioned, has Kurdish origin, for this reason that
Islamic Republic of Iran does not have any trust to
Kurds, this religion is dangerous or is hazardous to
the regime.
At the time in Kurdish and Azeri cities, the Yarsanian folks protest for their very initial rights like keeping
their own belief which is something differencing than
Islam, they will be hardly monitored and controlled.
If some of Yarsanian with tricks got some jobs,
forefingers go to them to be unemployed or layout
from the job. If some self-employment or unemployed
Yarsanian people say or talk about the community
problem even with smart way so that the regime
can�t have any excuse to arrest them; however,
the regime repression and crack down any movement
from Yarsan Community. Based on the words came
from the inside of Iran, right from the community
the control and monitoring is so harsh that life for
Yarsanian people is made impossible. For instance,
stop Yaranian going worship, not letting run the
special events, or preventing of any accumulation
more than 3 Yarsani by threat of their family
members afterward to force them stay in silent.
Anyhow, those Yarsani believers, who have their own job as self-employee or they are unemployed,
they do not have much fear or anxiety to lose an
opportunity by government; however, if they are
informed about their religion, they try to demand
their cultural and religious rights with keeping it
separated away from of any political parties and
try to inform the public that they only wants to
have their rights as normal civic person, according
to (in frame of) the country�s Law.
Since the Yarsani Believers do not give the definitely any contact to political and religious
party so that the regime has a reason or chance
to act against them.
Furthemore, all the Yarsanian worship, and Yarsani�s tombs went to controls under
finincial endwonment power by government
so that the regime be able to propertize it by
themselves. As well, after that they destroy the
historical places by the name reconstruction.
Right on this places, as mentioned it before,
they build a musque. They are using the weekness
of the local people, which is being poor. I can say
they buy somehow the people. The regime tried
hard to prevent people, particularly the youths
not to go to their own worship (Jamkhaneh)
ohter hand, encorrage the youths after highschool
graduation to go the musque; ohterwise, no chance
to continue education on uinversity or getting a job
. We annunced these in our previous report with few
examples. That is why one after each other, all
Yarsanian people leave the coutery.
Heidelberg, June 3rd. 2011 Dr. Golmorad Morad 31 خرداد 1390